This game is a submission for Ludum Dare 56. View all gamesView submission

A game about stomping bugs with your feet.

Controls: Click and drag the feet with left mouse button to take steps.

Every step damages the floor. When a floor tile is fully destroyed that tile becomes unwalkable, and you lose the game if you are standing on a tile when it breaks.

You gain score by stoming on the bugs.

The bugs will attack your feet, killing them one bite at a time.

If one feet explodes, by reaching 0 hp, you lose.

Power Ups:

Wrench: Activates Repair Mode for 10 seconds. During Repair Mode tiles can be repaired by stepping on them.

Plus:   Add 50 hp to the foot that takes it.

Coin:   Activates Bigger Stomp for 10 seconds. Makes stomp area bigger.

Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
Tagsfeet, insects, Ludum Dare 56
LinksLudum Dare

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